
Process Lasso v5.1.0.66 繁體中文版 支援單、多核心CPU動態調整進程優先權,讓系統反應更快速

【軟體版本】:Process Lasso v5.1.0.66
【檔案大小】:2.13 MB
【作業系統】:Windows 2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista/7/8  (32-bit/64-bit)

這個版本是一個重大的產品徹底檢修, 請將舊版本移除乾淨,系統才能穩定運行。

Process Lasso 是一款獨特的調試級別的系統優化工具,主要功能是動態調整各個進程的優先權並設為合理的優先順序以實現為系統減負的目的,Process Lasso 定義為過載抑制(out-of-control restraint),可有效避免藍屏、假死、進程停止回應、進程佔用 CPU 時間過多等症狀。
Process Lasso 對您系統的優化是完全即時+智慧的,不會修改任何系統既有設置。

Process Lasso:調降佔用CPU資源的執行程序

電腦中運行的程序常常會有一些特別佔用 CPU 資源的情況出現,當發生這種問題時,電腦多半已經被卡死不能動作了,如果你也曾為這個問題所苦,那麼就來試試程序解套專家- Process Lasso 吧!

Process Lasso:提高電腦反應性

電腦常跑到一半就呆掉不動了? 應用程式常常執行了卻沒反應?遊戲或是程式執行到一半,跑出其他程式來把你的CPU資源吃掉了?
快來試試看Process Lasso這套免費軟體吧! 它能夠有效改善上述症狀喔!

Process Lasso使用了新的技術,可以自動配置CPU的週期,以增加在高負載下的系統反應性。




其實,這是因為有某個正在執行的程序佔用了絕大多數的 CPU 運算資源所致,就因為如此,讓使用者誤以為電腦當機。要解決這樣的問題,其實是很簡單的。

但是,當 CPU 的資源真的被某個執行程序佔光時,這招就不管用了。
這個時候你就需要 Process Lasso 的幫助了。



第一執行Process Lasso.exe後,執行會有七國語言可以選擇,請選擇chinese(traditional)即可顯示繁體中文,有安裝舊版請關閉Process Lasso後移除乾淨。




xp的設定檔和記錄檔資料可由說明-關於Process Lasso中得知,移除方式同上。

在執行後,Process Lasso的功能就會開始啟用,包括加速程式的執行。
請至選項-ProcessLasso一般設定,取消選取定期自動檢查程式更新和 Close window to system tray
Process Lasso 如果沒有隨Windows啟動,請執行主程式後至選項Process Lasso一般選設定-Reconfigure the way Process Lasso start看看是否設定為登錄時不要啟動。如果是請改選擇想要登錄的權限ALL user 或Administrator下一步選擇正常權限-完成。 Management Console StarupCore Engine Starup 必須設定為一樣的權限,才會一起隨Windows登錄時啟動。或手動至[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]新增字串值數值名稱為 ProcessLasso,數值資料為安裝
ProcessLasso的目錄\ProcessLasso.exe /tray 登錄 Windows 才可啟動常駐。


Art 已經跟作者 Jeremy Collake 合作,幫Jeremy Collake寫了繁體中文化(Art 與作者同步發布)詳情請上-Art-電腦狂


[.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed I/O priorities of multi-selection process context menu not grayed out in XP
[.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed sort of process restraint history column
[.2]Change.InstallHelper: Early prep for DSN support
[.2]Change.All: Added Japanese to International Server Edition (via Nettool affiliate)
[.2]Change.GUI: Updated Serbian, Polish, Italian.
[.4]Change.GUI: Improved cosmetics and behavior of new items in InstallHelper config dialog 2
[.4](hackported in .51) Fix.Core: Theoretical code error condition, unknown if ever manifested in real world
[.4](backported in .51) Fix.Core: Adjusted sharing permissions on .pg-active, a filesystem based locak the governor uses, and an issuing for some backup and imaging software
[.4]Build.System: Misc adjustments throughout
[.5]Change.GUI: Re-arranged Options menu in a big way, with subcategories and such
[.5]Change.Core: Some code optimization and refactoring
[.5]Fix.Core: Minor code fixes and refactoring
[.5]Change.GUI: Added new message for sanity check failure
[.6]Addition.GUI: Finished Categorization of Media Player support in GUI
[.6]Addition.BuildTools: Modified our in-house translation tools to allow use of the deprecated strings file if no translated string is in the primary file
[.6]Change.GUI: Several misc cosmetic changes
[.6]Change.Core: [beta2beta] Experimental code speed improvements
[.6]Change.GUI: Some code optimizations
[.7]Addition.GUI: Added configuration dialog for new Poewr Saver feature
[.7]Addition.Core: Added new Energy Saver (aka Energy Saver) functionality to core engine
[.7]Change.Core: Start logging [system] for certain system wide chhanges
[.7]Fix.GUI: Misc fixes and adjustments
[.7]Change.Installer: Reduced size very slightly (more reductions coming, docs being 50% of the size)
[.8]Fix.GUI: Fixed crash in modules tab
[.8]Fix.GUI: Temporarily ignore Comodo processes again 100% until I evaluate its tamper protection, as it, like Symantec, emits dupe log entries in its tamper protection
[.8]Change.GUI: Renamed Power Saver to Energy Saver
[.8]Change.GUI: Adjustments to Energy Saver configuration dialog
[.8]Addition.GUI: Added option to not log Energy Saver events
[.8]Addition.GUI: Added option to not induce Energy Saver when multimedia classified process is running
[.9]Fix.GUI: Fix classification of multimedia process via process context menu.
[.9]Change.Build: Updated to VS2010SP1, continue use of older VC9 build tools for W2K compatibility
[.9]Change.GUI: Several translation updates
[.10]Fix.GUI: Fixed some discrepencies in the startup code, a by-product of the numerous different editions
[.10]Change.GUI: Added 'of usable RAM' to memory load status bar portion, and better localized this region ('of' previously not localized)
[.10]Change.GUI: Adjusted status bar positioning accordingly
[.10]Change.GUI: Now forces termination of Server Edition after trial expiration, instead of only having governor not run
[.10]Change.GUI: Only check for updates when system idle for 30 seconds
[.10]Change.GUI: Several language updates
[.11]Fix.GUI: Localization of short string "I/O" (exclusion added to our in-house rc tools)
[.11]Fix.Core: Fixed case sensitivity issue with (seldom used) pathname matches (a bug caused by the obsession with saving every last CPU cycle, *sigh*)
[.11]Change.GUI: Other menu changes
[.11]Change.GUI: Minor string change in status bar memory load part
[.11]Change.GUI: Duplicated Memory Watchdog menu option in 'Memory' group
[.12]Addition.Core: Added ability to set the default 'thread priority boost' setting for a process
[.12]Addition.GUI: Added option to set default thread priority boost to single selection process context menu
[.12]Addition.GUI: Added option to set default thread priority boost to multiple selection process context menu
[.12]Addition.Build: Added more unit testing to verify various operational functions
[.12]Change.GUI: Removed 'Do not ask again' option from closing message box warning if process name is in field
[.12]Change.Core: Refactored wildcard matching code
[.12]Change.Core: Refactored case insensitive wildcard comparison for better efficiency
[.12]Change.Core: Added more robust wildcard and regex handling (not full regex by any means, that would be too CPU intensive)
[.12]Change.GUI: Add actualized process name when using multi-select context menu, same as process context menu
[.12]Change.GUI: Made setting thread priority boost option part of free build
[.12]Change.Core: Refactored some code here and there
[.13]Change.Installer: Removed some deprecated conditions, please report any edition or build anomalies (though we are of course testing too)
[.13]Change.Core: Logging of disable thread priority boost actions adhere to priority change log setting
[.13]Change.GUI: Change 'Power Scheme' to 'Power Profile' in text overlaid on graph
[.13]Change.GUI: Updated list of languages considered out of date
[.13]Change.Core: Minor optimizations
[.13]Change.GUI: Several translation updates (Italian, Polish, Finnish, Serbian, Simplified Chinese)
[.14]Change.Updater: If beta, always include betas in update check
[.14]Fix.GUI: Energy Saver dialog could be invoked in XP after warning that it does not work in XP or below
[.14]Fix.GUI: Fix theoretical race condition during initialization that could cause GUI to crash under rare (if ever seen) conditions
[.14]Addition.Core: Added multimedia classification handling
[.14]Addition.Core: Added another process to exclude from ProBalance by default
[.14]Fix.Installer: Addressed some issues when updating Japanese build, hope to enable updates to Japan again once the system is retested
[.14]Change.GUI: Translation updates
[.14a]Fix.All: Fixed error messages in XP about power profiles
[.15]Change.Languages: Re-included Traditional Chinese translation
[.15]Change.Revisions: Started removing beta2beta revisions
[.16]Change.Upload: All uploads are now verified after doing so, to ensure to transmission or storage errors
[.16]Fix.GUI: Fix crash when entering manual values into some combo boxes
[.16]Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.46.3 UNICODE, multiple changes and fixes, regression testing on all platforms
[.16]Fix.GUI: Self-restart checkboxes (build 2)
[.16]Testing new upload scripts with verification
[.16]NOTE: [beta2beta] This build's intent is doing some broader testing of recent changes (mainly NSIS)
[.17]Fix.GUI: Fixed a corrupted description in Power Profiles dialog (truncated and corrupted)
[.17]Fix.InstallHelper: Fix missing title string if pre-mature abort on first config dialog
[.17]Fix.Core: [beta2beta] Fixed some issues with Energy Saver log
[.17]Fix.Core: [beta2beta] Prevent Energy Saver if no target Power Profile set
[.17]Fix.GUI: Properly disable AND grey out some menu options not available in 2K or XP (some would appear to do nothing)
[.17]Change.Core: Tweaked ProBalance settings to improve effectiveness especially on multi-core systems during high load
[.17]Change.Core: Allow multimedia processes to match based on wildcards in pathnames
[.17]Change.GUI: Allow wildcards to be used for gaming mode pathnames
[.17]Change.GUI: Reduced resources size a small bit
[.17]Change.GUI: Changed gaming mode dialog to indicate acceptance of wildcards and full pathnames
[.17]Change.GUI: Updated Russian translation
[.17a]Fix.GUI: [beta2beta] Fixed failure to save GUID of target energy saver power profile
[.17a]Fix.Core: [beta2beta] Fixed multimedia classified processes would not prevent induction of Energy Saver when set to do so
[.17a]Fix.GUI: [beta2beta] Fixed case where empty power profile was given in Energy Saver configuration dialog
[.17a]Fix.GUI: [beta2beta] Fixed Do not Invoke Enery Saver if Gaming Mode Process running is config not being stored/changed
[.17a]Fix.GUI: [beta2beta] Fixed Do not Invoke Enery Saver if Multimedia Mode Process running is config not being stored/changed
[.19]Addition.GUI: Added 'M' rule for Multimedia classified processes
[.19]Change.GUI: Renamed Default Power Profiles to Application Power Profiles
[.21]Fix.Update: Fix auto update failure due to new upload script - would upload you to v5.0.0.52 unless you had beta checks turned on
[.21]Fix.GUI: Fix 'instead' typo
[.21]Fix.GUI: Fix EULA typo
[.21]Fix.GUI: Fixed Traditional Chinese translation showing English
[.21]Fix.GUI: Fixed error in Simplified Chinese translation that would cause crash and recurring open/close sequence of PL (mismatched % formatting in translated string)
[.21]Fix.GUI: Fixed error in Traditional Chinese translation that would cause crash and recurring open/close sequence of PL (mismatched % formatting in translated string)
[.21]Change.GUI: Updated Russian translation
[.21]Change.GUI: Updated Polish translation
[.21]Change.GUI: Updated French translation
[.21]Change.GUI: Updated German translation
[.21]Change.GUI: Rebuilt docs, still need updates
[.22]Fix.All: Adjustments to help avoid intrusion detection of some security software. These protected processes can not be listed due to their sensitivity to being touched, which is enforced via API hooks, causing CPU cycles to appear to be consumed by Process Lasso when the 'intrusion' events are logged.
[.22]Change.Build: Added more unit tests to check for any internal functional flaws that pop up during maintenance
[.22]Change.GUI: Made some minor string fixes and adjustments (auto-updated translations, as they were very minor changes)
[.22]Change.GUI: Removed 3 unused strings
[.22]Change.QuickUpgrade: Disable restart button when it is invoked (until/if Stopped)
[.22]Change.GUI: Improved NIS2012 compatibility without setting off their intrusion detection when main window of GUI open - still under testing
[.22]Change.GUI: Minor language updates
[.22]Change.GUI: Updates to German, Italian
[.22]Fix.Installer: Fixed Vista Multimedia Scheduler Config being created as a shortcut in XP
[.23]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue with the some metrics of tamper protected security products being shown incorrectly - though most are unavailable
[.23]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue with tamper protected processes being listed in the Active Processes list
[.23]Change.GUI: Gray out Vista Multimedia Scheduler menu option in XP
[.23]Change.GUI: Graph is hidden by default in NT5 or below, unless user preference overrides (reset this version only)
[.23]Change.GUI: Improved code efficiency related to avoidance of tamper protection processes
[.23]Change.GUI: Updated German
[.24]Change.Core: Improved important code that has implications throughout, boosting performance and thread safety both in many places
[.24]Change.Core: Decreased CPU consumption of core engine
[.24]Change.GUI: Minor string adjustments
[.24]Change.All: Refactored some internal code to improve performance
[.24]Change.GUI: Several language updates
[.25]Fix.All: Fix small activation state problem in .24 that lasted a few hours
[.26]Change.GUI: New German graph legend
[.26]Change.GUI: German out of date warning removed
[.26]Change.GUI: Russian out of date warning removed (an oversight, as it was/is up to date)
[.26]Change.GUI: Updated Traditional Chinese
[.26]Change.GUI: Updated Italian
[.26]Change.GUI: Updated Polish
[.26]Change.GUI: Updated Finnish
[.26]Change.Core: Default ProBalance parameters tweaked a little for higher end systems (more mods under testing)
[.27]Fix.GUI: Fixed failure in unchecking process watchdog rules via the context menu.
[.27]Fix.GUI: Fixed disabled 'Change CPU affinity during restraint' ProBalance menu option
[.27]Fix.Core: Fixed theoretical issue where certain services could be lowered in priority class by ProBalance even if services were set to be excluded (the default)
[.27]Change.Core: First step of a series of ProBalance adjustments planned (incrementally being phased in for maximal safety)
[.27]Addition.Core: Added 'any' memory metric for watchdog options
[.27]Addition.GUI: Added UI (dialog) support for 'any' memory metric for memory watchdog actions
[.27]Addition.GUI: Added new mechanism to check to see if you are using the latest recommended defaults (only asks once per change of the defaults, unless you tick 'do not ask me again')
[.27]Change.GUI: New process watchdog memory rules now are created with default of 'Any Metric'
[.27]Change.All: Adjusted ProBalance defaults for better system-specific auto-tuning
[.27]Change.GUI: Several languages updated
[.28]Fix.Core: Improved ProBalance system service handling over .27
[.28]Fix.GUI: Fixed behavior of new ProBalance defaults prompt in certain cases, and decreased width of the prompt
[.28]Fix.Uploader: Fixed upload scripts that caused auto update to stay at .26 for those with 'include betas' turned on
[.28]Change.GUI: A few misc tweaks
[.28]Update.GUI: Updated German
[.28]Update.GUI: Updated Italian
[.28]Update.GUI: Adjusted Russian resources to work with new 'any memory metric' option
[.29]Change.Core: Adjustments to ProBalance defaults changed in previous 2 minor updates
[.29]Addition.rcTools: Included syntax checking in translation package
[.29]Fix.All: New syntax testing tools allow for identification of possible anomalies and crashes due to improper translations, several errors were fixed in some languages.
[.29]Change.GUI: Updated French
[.29]Change.GUI: Updated Italian
[.29]Change.GUI: Updated Simplifed Chinese
[.29]Change.GUI: Minor fix to Traditional Chinese
[.30]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where in W2K or XP pre-SP3, 0 CPUs could be shown in app status bar
[.30]Fix.GUI: Windows Dynamic Thread Priority Boost setting may not have been applied if no other changes were made to the config file (not saved)
[.30]Fix.GUI: Self-restart menu did not preserve on application restart
[.30]Fix.GUI: Fixed 'any memory metric' radio button could stay checked, though it wouldn't affect behavior
[.30]Fix.GUI: Fixed some issues with setting default priorities on multiple processes at once
[.30]Update.rcTools: Updated test batch file that invokes test tool. New Batch file provide by our Polish translator (gtweak).
[.30]Fix.Core: Fixed an issue with the relatively new user-allowed default on Windows Thread Priority Boost setting
[.30]Change.GUI: Update Serbian
[.30]Update.GUI: Updated Polish
[.34]Addition.GUI: Added new 'Enable Energy Saver' quick toggle to system tray, application menu, and Energy Saver dialog
[.34]Fix.GUI: Some of the multi-selection process context menu items were not saving configuration changes immediately
[.34]Addition.GUI: Also show processes with a >200MB commit size in Active Processes view
[.34]Change.GUI: Some cosmetic adjustments
[.34]Change.GUI: Double length of time an inactive process may stay listed in the Active processes tab after it has gone inactive
[.34]Change.GUI: Moved 'Prevent sleep' process menu option back out to the main context menu, instead of hid in the classification - adjusted Russian translation as necessary
[.34]Update.GUI: Updated Finnish, Polish, German, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Serbian, and others ...
[.36]Fix.Core: Fixed issue where recognition of a change to a multimedia classification wouldn't take effect until the core engine, or the designated multimedia classified process, would start or restart. If using Energy Saver with multimedia exclusions, this could cause it to not behave correctly until the core engine (or applicable multimedia process) restarted after the configuration change.
[.36]Change.Core: Auto exclude multimedia classified processes from ProBalance restraint
[.36]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where wrong text could show up in ProBalance exclusions dialog (functionality not affected)
[.36]Change.GUI: Cosmetic tweaks
[.36]Change.GUI: Updated mentions of 2011 to 2012
[.38]Addition.GUI: Added configuration password to start/stop core engine and shut down Process Lasso menu options
[.38]Addition.GUI: Added warning when Server Edition is running on a workstation PC, as there has been some build confusion at our biggest mirror
[.38]Change.Core: Fixed an an SEP compatibility issue where SEP would trigger tamper detection events repeatedly
[.38]Change.Core: Temporary adjustment to prevent another interoperability issue with some other Symantec software
[.38]Change.GUI: Starting/stopping the core engine now requires the configuration password, if one is set
[.38]Change.GUI: Some language updates
[.38]Change.GUI: Changed licensed updater dialog so that key fits into entry field completely
[.40]Fix.Core: Discovered and fixed an event handle leak under certain situations when interprocess communication is enabled
[.42]Fix.Core: Fixed bug when user disabled energy saver log events
[.42]Change.Core: Prohibited redundant practice of changing power profile when unnecessary for Energy Saver
[.42]Change.Core: Adjusted inter-process communication timeout treshold, reducing 'lost' events during high loads that could have affected accuracy of ProBalance event reporting and history in the GUI (aside from log, which is always accurate and not affected by this)
[.42]Change.GUI: Language updates
[.44]Fix.GUI: Fixed a theoretical memory leak in event history tracking that could occur on high activity systems after a long duration
[.44]Fix.GUI: Fixed rare anomaly in the handling of multiple events coming through the inter-process pipe during the same time frame
[.44]Change.GUI: Language updates
[.44]Change.Licensing: Adjusted some unspecified licensing code
[.46]Addition.GUI: Clicking the graph will rotate through available application color schemes (currently only white and black)
[.46]Addition.GUI: Added support for color schemes selectable within the application
[.46]Addition.GUI: Added addition options for Keep Running feature
[.46]Addition.GUI: Add space before and after power profile drawn on graph
[.46]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue with I/O priority being reported as Low due to non-critical background threads with lowered CPU priorities
[.46]Fix.GUI: Reduce rare cases of Process Lasso GUI briefly stalls in very high loads
[.46]Change.All: Some internal refactoring
[.46]Change.GUI: Refactored user induced process restart code
[.46]Change.GUI: Optimized graph painting
[.46]Change.GUI: Language updates (Traditional Chinese, Italian, Simplified Chinese, German)
[.46]Change.GUI: Increased sensitivity of responsiveness metric
[.46]Change.All: Adjusted spin count on critical sections objects
[.46]Change.All: Misc changes and adjustments
[.46]Change.LocalizationTools: Added additional syntax checks
[.46]Change.Docs: Refreshed with latest content from online
[.48]Fix.Core: Fixed crash in core engine when using Watchdog rules in some cases - erupted in .46 (last build)
[.48]Fix.GUI: Fixed crash in GUI when 'nicely' closing applications (related to above) - erupted in .46 (last build)
[.48]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue in Watchdog dialog when adding new rule with 'Any memory metric'
[.48]Fix.Portable: Fixed issue with Auto-Updater not being present in Portable Edition archive
[.48]Change.GUI: Updated German
[.49]Interim non-pushed release
[.50]Change.GUI: Updated Japanese, Russian, Polish
[.50]Change.GUI: Process context menu items re-arrangement more intuitively (text not changed, yet, to maintain compatibility with translations)
[.50]Change.GUI: Removed some depcecrated code found during code anlaysis
[.50]Fix.GUI: Reset ALL defaults was not clearing process watchdog rules
[.52]Fix.Updater: Portable (USB Key) Edition automated updates will now work (starting v5.1.0.54)
[.52]Change.GUI: Changed Responsiveness line to a less bright green color, much better visibility in white theme
[.52]Change.GUI: Changed white theme background to an off-white background
[.52]Change.GUI: Updated Russian, Traditional Chinese
[.54]Change.Language: Updated Italian graph legend, which was in the wrong dimensions
[.54]Change.GUI: Changes preparing for next major upgrade
[.54]Change.Core: Misc optimizations and tweaks
[.54]Change.All: Adjusted critical section spin count for improved performance
[.56]Addition.Installer: The installer will now download the correct edition if you have not already selected the correct one
[.56]Fix.Installer: Added new safety to prevent a certain error condition (crash) seen in user reports. Secondary safeties added to apps for Portable Edition.
[.56]Change.GUI: Mandates (and automatically does) a check for license validity before update, warning under if they are going to be downgraded to free edition
[.56]Change.Docs: Slight changes
[.56]Change.Licensing: Removed some debug code
[.56]Change.Licensing: Lots of internal changes to improve accuracy and efficiency
[.56]Change.Installer: Misc changes and adjustments
[.56]Addition.Updater: Added 'Revision History' button to take you to change list on web
[.56]Change.Build: Removed support for deprecated custom editions
[.56]Change.GUI: Several languages updated
[.58]Fix.Installer: Japanese now included in standard installer (it was excluded inadvertently after the new merger into a single build)
[.58]Fix.Installer: Improved Windows Server detection
[.58]Change.Resources: Added a URL for revision history that can be localized/redirected
[.58]Change.GUI: Message box modality adjustments, to help keep them from getting lost behind other windows and such (on-going)
[.58]Change.GUI: Moved Trim Virtual Memory to root process context menu
[.58]Change.GUI: Updated several languages
[.58]Change.GUI: Modalized more message boxes
[.60]Backports from version 6 (in development)
[.60]Fix.GUI: Fix handling of 'Any memory metric' in some cases in the Watchdog configuration dialog
[.60]Fix.Governor: Fixed I/O priority of governor being set too low (due to a background logging thread)
[.60]Fix.Installer: Fix inability to press NO on install to continue if edition detected wrong
[.60]Fix.Installer: Fix use of /S switch for unattended install as a means to bypass installer self-correction
[.60]Fix.Installer: Fix for Windows 2003 Server detection
[.60]Fix.GUI: Improved graph a bit during high loads, less jerky
[.60]Fix.Core: Eliminated (or greatly reduced) rare cases of crashes due to extended high loads causing inter-process communication lags and critical section timeouts
[.60]Change.GUI: Several language updates
[.60]Addition.GUI: Added current power scheme selection to Energy Saver dialog (except in some non-updated languages)
[.66]SUMMARY: This version represents more backports from the new v6 code base. Specifically, it backports better internal support when dealing with services and a new watchdog feature 'Trim Virtual Memory', even though that's something that should be used with caution and awareness.
[.66]Addition.Core: Process Watchdog terminations and restarts will now act in accordance with the process type (service or regular process), transparent to the user
[.66]Addition.Core: Upgrade to other governor code (using latest from v6 branch)
[.66]Removal.GUI: Removed non-function restraint timer from restriant history column
[.66]Change.GUI: Updated a few languages
[.66]Change.All: Upgraded some components to stable code from v6
[.66]Addition.GUI: Issuing a restart on one or more processes that are services will cause induction of a stop/start of the appropriate services
[.66]Addition.GUI: Added 'Trim Virtual Memory' as a Process Watchdog option (must be configured in Watchdog Config dialog, no process context menu access)
[.66]Addition.Core: Added support for 'Trim Virtual Memory' as a Process Watchdog option
[.66]Change.Core: Encapsulated some synchronization objects in exception handlers to better deal with potential timeout exceptions
[.66]Fix.All: Possible fix for some rarely seen crashes

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SG TCP Optimizer v4.1.1 網路TCP加速軟體–網路加速,網路環境最佳化

【軟體版本】:SG TCP Optimizer v4.1.1 【軟體語言】:多國語言/英文 【軟體分類】:網路加速 【軟體授權】:免費軟體 【檔案大小】:668 KB 【更新日期】:2021/10/02 【作業系統】:Windows 2012/XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit/64-bit) 【官方網站】: https://www.speedguide.net/                         https://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php 【軟體說明】: SG TCP Optimizer 是一款免費的網路加速軟體,免安裝簡單易用的介面,讓您輕鬆上手,它是透過優化TCP/IP的參數來提升網路的速度,完全不用修改登錄檔,透過簡單的設定後重新啟動電腦,便可加快網路速度。節省不少的麻煩。 SG TCP Optimizer 是將你的網路卡TCP/IP設定最佳化,讓你的網路速度可以物盡其用,而不是加速軟體...基本上你如果是申請 ADSL 2M,不會因為這種軟體而加速到3M,4M,5M...的 它只是讓你 2M 發揮到極致而已。1.5M以上的網路都可以使用,它能將你的網路速度達到限度內的最高值。 使用前請先記得備份登錄檔。 TCP/IP Optimizer 免費的上網加速連接工具, 不需安裝程序, 只需透過簡單的設定「建議設定」然後重新啟動電腦,即可加快網路速度。 該軟件可優化接收緩衝區(RWIN)、最大傳輸單元(MTU)、瀏覽器(IE)並發連接數、域名解析優先級、域名解析錯誤暫存時間等重要參數,並可檢測網絡允許的最大傳輸單元大小和網絡時延,計算合適的接收緩衝區,並提供網絡參數相關的註冊表編輯功能. 查看當前速度: 到此 http://www.speedguide.net/ 網站在左側 Shortcuts 裏點選 TCP/IP Analyzer 在彈出頁面中可以看到自己網絡連接的各項數據. 在 Default Receive Window (RWIN)一欄, 查看當前速度數據有否低於:255552 若大於此數, 我覺得應該就不用安裝. 如果數據小於此值, 那你就要提昇速度了. 安裝簡介: (1) 執行TCPOptimizer.exe (2) 顯示設置視窗在頁面勾

PDF-XChange Editor Portable v9.4.364.0 多國語言免安裝版 多功能的PDF閱讀器

【軟體版本】:PDF-XChange Editor Portable v9.4.364.0 【軟體語言】:繁體中文 【軟體分類】:文書處理 【軟體授權】:免費版 【檔案大小】:212 MB 【更新日期】:2022/09/27 【作業系統】:Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10 【官方網站】: https://www.tracker-software.com/ 【軟體說明】: PDF-XChange Editor Portable  PDF檔閱讀軟體的另一個選擇 PDF-XChange Editor Portable  是一款PDF檔 (電子書) 閱讀器/閱讀器。現在起你無須為只為了閱讀PDF檔而安裝體龐大的Adobe Reader,而且體積小,啟動快速,無需安裝。 PDF-XChange Editor Portable  是一款多功能的PDF閱讀器,它完全免費,需要安裝.NETframework才能執行。 具有豐富的標註功能、多頁籤顯示、強大的匯出圖片功能、批次搜尋、放大與導航功能。支援中文註釋。 PDF-XChange Editor Portable  是一款專業的 Adobe Reader PDF檔閱讀器。免費、免安裝、不佔資源的 PDF 閱讀器,速度之快可以用「瞬間」來形容,完全感覺不到延遲。 就算是閱讀繁體中文的 PDF 檔案,也不會有任何問題。對於經常需要閱讀 PDF 的使用者而言,絕對是一個絕佳的選擇。 PDF 檔案十分好用,但是使用官方Adobe Reader PDF閱讀器來開啟PDF檔時,開檔速度卻是慢如蝸牛,如果老舊的電腦,可能必須花上約一分鐘的時間才能開啟檔案。現在你可以 不用再為開啟 PDF 檔而痛苦了。 PDF-XChange Editor Portable  增加了閱讀上的註解、文字、、框線、線條、戳記、線條圖形的讀者註記,還能做檔案 90 度旋轉,這些功能以前在 Acrobat Writer 上才會有,也支援多 頁籤的瀏覽方式,使用者可以開啟多個檔案相互切換。也支援多頁籤的瀏覽方式,使用者可以一次開多個 PDF 檔切換觀看。 PDF-XChange Editor Portable  支援多種語言版本,安裝之後自動顯示繁體中文介面,它也能將PDF檔案

Mozilla Firefox Portable v124.0.2 繁體中文隨身版 全功能的瀏覽器

【軟體版本】:Mozilla Firefox Portable v124.0.2 【軟體語言】:繁體中文 【軟體分類】:網頁瀏覽器 【軟體授權】:免費軟體 【軟體大小】:60.6 MB 452 MB 【更新日期】:2024/04/02 【作業系統】:Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10 Linux/Mac OS (32-bit/64-bit) 【官方網站】: https://moztw.org/ 英文官網                          https://moztw.org/firefox/ 繁體官網                          https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/releases/ Mozilla Firefox Release Notes                          https://moztw.org/firefox/releases/ Mozilla Firefox 版本資訊                          https://mozilla.com.tw/firefox/23.0/firstrun/b/?utm_expid=55777084-0.k768Zb-bSuSiMPFeHkdPcg.2 Firefox 瀏覽器 下載                          https://sourceforge.net/projects/portableapps/files/Mozilla%20Firefox,%20Portable%20Ed./ 繁體中文可攜版                          https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox Firefox 網頁瀏覽器:快速上網、保護隱私 - Google Play 應用程式                          https://support.mozilla.org/zh-TW/kb/get-started-firefox-overview-main-features?WT.mc_ev=click&WT.mc_id=s2 Fir