
PSPad editor v4.5.4(2356)繁體中文免安裝版 整合各種極好的編輯器優點於一身

【軟體版本】:PSPad editor v4.5.4(2356)
【官方網站】:http://www.pspad.com/en/ http://www.w3schools.com

是程式員極好的編輯工具!強烈推薦大家下載!而對於一般的使用者可以跨資料夾搜尋檔案,並將常用的資料夾加入我的最愛等強大功能支援一大堆的程式語言純文字編輯,功能也超級多,若使用在 HTML 原始碼編輯上,還有一些特殊的功能,像:原始碼整理、HTML 標籤大小寫轉換...等等。如果你對於Windows內建的筆記本不滿意的話,您可以試試這套軟體。

PSPad文字編輯器,不但內建多國語系,語法加亮外,更內建了一個FTP Client,整合了許多的功能,功能雖多,但執行的速度卻又不慢!

如果你是一個網頁設計師,又習慣使用文字型編輯軟體來設計網頁,遇到要更新伺服器上的網頁,還要先用CuteFTP這類的FTP Client軟體把網頁下載回來修改,再做上傳的動作。
使用PSPad文字編輯器,可以讓你省去了這個麻煩。它內建了一個簡單型的FTP Client,雖然功能上比不上專業的FTP Client,但卻省去了下載修改再上傳的麻煩。你還可以用它來比對同一個檔案的不同之處,例如程式設計師總會遇到修改了什麼地方或新增了什麼東西,但卻忘了在哪裡,運用它的比對功能,可以讓你清楚明白檔案的差異性為何,而且還會把差異處用顏色來區分。有時英文單字打得太快,難免會打錯,內建的校字功能,程式判斷疑似有問題的英文單字,它還會在單字下面出現紅線,來提醒使用者,還可以列出可能的單字。

v4.5.4 更新歷程:

    * added new block comments for CNC machines Okuma and Heller into User highlighter definition
    * New SAS parser for Code explorer
    * scripting - function selectionMode() without parameters returns active selection mode for current editor
    * MS SQL highlighter - dblclick selects @ char as part of variable
    * PAS highlighter - possibility to set color for data types
    * Code Explorer is focused after synchronize with code button (in case if Set cursor after goto is disabled)
    * Code explorer - item stays highlighted (not greyed) even Code explorer isn't focused
    * Code explorer - added support for ABB Rapid (ftABB file type). Set it as file type in user highlighter definition
    * Statusbar - diskette symbol is active with same functionality as Save button
    * Lorem Ipsum form remembers last setting over PSpad sessions
    * Maximum unnumbered bookmarks stored in project file was extended to 100 for each file
    * Included the current TiDy.exe version from 03/2009
    * PHP highlighter - document comment, new keywords, ...
    * Code explorer for PureBasic - added procedures with return codes
    * Code explorer for VB - added support for private and public class
    * User highlighter - new line comment style
    * PSPad supports Drop text from another application, if aplication supports it (IE, Word, ...)
    * Duplicate lines works for block too - it duplicates block now
    * Scripting support - new function logLineIndex([index]): integer - sets or returns current line index in LOG window
    * New function New file (Shift+Ctrl+N) - creates new file without dialog
    * Project from folder function fills now default folder in project settings
    * Program settings / Proram 1 - new option allows you switch off extended mouse support
    * Program setings / Direct edit - new variable Code explorer init = 200000. It sets max. file length in bytes. Files over this value sin't parsed automatically in Code explorer and you need to start parsing with Code explorer Refresh button
    * FTP client - added possibility to go to web page with Winsock error explanation after unsucsessfull connection
    * Check internet version - new dialog
    * FTP - small modifications in interface behavior (step to upper, sort by date include time, moveable columns, ...)
    * Code explorer for Tcl/Tk - added class methods (public, private...)
    * New program action - aScriptRecompile
    * Scripting - new function logSetParser(expression) to set Log parser string
    * Scripting - new functions projectItemsCount, projectItems(index), projectItemsType(index) for project tree handling. See included readme in Script subfolder
    * Swap with line Above/Bellow functions work for selected block too
    * Swap block - new function swaps line in selected block
    * Program settings / Program - new option to enable/disable Multimedia keys for PSpad
    * User highlighter - added Comment style %% (Automaton language)
    * LOG - Search results uses common font and background colors
    * Code explorer for JScript - public functions
    * Line feed in CSS reformating - new parameter in Program settings / Tols
    * Added buton in the Help / Check version dialog to send you to download page
    * In FTP connection settings dialog (bottom) is link for download OpenSSL libraries
    * FTP - added TLS/SSL support using OpenSSL (both DLL libraries have to exist in the PSPad folder). Secure connection is indicated with other yellow icons on the FTP panel.
    * Update TextDiff component, first version of the line differences in the window bottom. Speed was improved.
    * removed project hint length limit
    * new Code explorer for psC
    * built-in KiXtart highlighter actualized to 4.6.0 - new keywords, added reserved words, labels, parameters groups
    * Scripts - added function ftpRefresh() - refresh FTP folder. For ftpUploadFile() added 3-rd parameter - refresh folder after file upload
    * Scripts - added editor function modified([boolean]), sets or returns modified state
    * Code explorer for PureBasic
    * Session manager - possibility to set if new session keeps open files
    * Cobol higlighter - added JCL keywords, JCL comments are still not supported
    * LOG windows - possibility to set (common) font using font button in the LOG window
    * FTP connections - import FlashFXP exported accounts
    * PSPad remembers right dock panel width
    * Program setings / Dialogs - possibility to switch off close all files befre open project
    * PSPad now opens UTF-8 even it contains invalid characters
    * possibility to integrate PSPad into system via registry (Vista 64), now is possible to choose items in the menu
    * file PSPad_registry_clean.reg clears PSPad registry entries
    * SQR (Structured Query Reporter) Code explorer
    * Session - list of existing sessions on the save dialog
    * Project settings - new options for storing project files only and use absolute paths in project file
    * Code explorer - added support for Windows Power Shell
    * Log type List - added horizontal ScrollBar
    * Added support for multimedial keyboards and additional mouse buttons. Supported commands: Next, Previous, Open, Close, Find, Help, New, Open, Save, Print, Undo, Redo, Spell, Cut, Copy, Paste, Record
    * Perl highlighter - new keywords
    * Script menu - open scrip source with both mouse button click instead Shift+Click
    * Copy to Clipboard (Ctrl+C) works in tree items too (Project e.t.c.)
    * Updated icon files
    * added Sessions support - it allows you save/restore open files state (session)
    * C# code explorer
    * Remove nonexisting recent files (menu Open / Special or menu next open button)
    * import FTP settings from FileZilla 3 is now supported
    * Command window supports program variables
    * scripting interface - you can set LOG window type with commands logSeTypeMemo and logSetTypeList
    * C++ highlighter - now is possible to set brackets color
    * FTP client - new column file type with sorting possibility
    * increased file load speed in case of Go to EOL in option was disabled
    * block select with F8 works in HEX editor too
    * Open selected file in default application opens file in PSPad if Ctrl is pressed
    * go to parent folder with BackSpace key in the FTP window
    * Search/Replace with regular expression - number of substitution was increased to 50
    * removed limitation to 1024 chars in the MEMO log window style

    * open file from FTP if file contains spaces in name
    * Open selected file in default application function opens file in PSPad
    * dblclick in the LOG window
    * button LIST and COPY in th Search dialog doesn't handle unicode
    * C++ code explorer and exception related to compiler conditions
    * Indent block function with TAB/Shift+Tab doesn't use Indent with from program settings
    * XML reformat with comments
    * Search in files function doesn't remember used code page selection
    * Project from folder doesn't include files start with "."
    * HTML highlighter and Django templates - in some cases text was invisible
    * XML reformat - exception if XML doesn't start with entity
    * File name was changed to LowerCase if file was open as PSPad parameter
    * Search and Case Sensitive
    * ClipList doesn't show if program was set to StayOnTop
    * New text file save wih forst line longest then 250 chars
    * SQL Code explorer - TYPE parsing
    * FTP client doesn't show file size for files over 2.3GB
    * Code explorer - comments parsing
    * TCL/TK highlighter and escaped strings
    * Project statistics / File information - program doesn't work with current encoding
    * Scripting support - openFileFromFTP(), problem with local path after CWD command
    * TextDiff exception
    * FTP client - problem with date if FTP server doesn't sent complete file date
    * Char fragments in combination with AutoIndent and real tabs
    * Code explorer for C#
    * Print Preview - file from FTP shows local path in header
    * SpellCheck settings - exception if Autocorrect file was locked by external application
    * VBScript highlighter - EndIf was highlighted as keyword
    * URL click
    * Find dialog - Tabs was replaced with spaces in Copy and List functions
    * Incremental search and Find Next/Previous works with last Find dialog settings
    * HTML reformat
    * Multimedia keys support - switched COT and COPY
    * Compiler saves file even it wasn't necessary
    * FTP client - exception when CHMOD was call in folder
    * FTP client cuts first chars of name on some servers
    * multimedia keyboard support - switched CUT and COPY
    * compiled file was saved even wasn't modified
    * FTP - exception with CHMOD for folder
    * FTP - on some servers PSPad cuts first 2 chars from filename
    * e-mail highlighting doesn' count with ampersand char
    * HTML/RTF export doesn't use font from editor window
    * Favourite panel - bad icons if panel was empty
    * Print preview - file name instead file path in header
    * File tab - hint shows local path for files from FTP
    * Code explorer for PHP - public / private icons
    * HTML - templates highlight problem if template finishes on new line
    * Vista and Program settings related exception
    * Session manager with [x]don't close files... option
    * Project - unknown files are sent to associated aplication
    * FTP client with IBM AIX server cuts off first 2 letters from filename
    * PHP Code explorer - classes functions
    * PHP Code explorer - function in classes
    * LOG window - font size
    * LOG window - scroll bar autowidth with script and List style
    * reformat XML
    * Splitted window - width of the gutter in the second window
    * TextDiff - goto line in the first window
    * Code explorer for pcC
    * FixedSys font problem
    * Slow file loading problem (return to previous editor component version)
    * Edit in splitted window - missing Save question
    * Char '|' in FTP server name
    * close editor window with active incremental search
    * disallowed chars in FTP path cause problem to store local copy
    * PSpad can handle now file name as param with normal path delimiters
    * Tcl/Tk comments
    * User highlighter - SQL comment doesn't works if "-" char was included in allowed keyword chars
    * FTP - IBM AIX server
    * Code explorer for psC - component hierarchy
    * Autosave doesn't save file to FTP
    * Desktop flash during PSpad start
    * Search file result with unicode file names
    * FTP sorting after column drag/drop
    * mischmashed bookmarks after file Reload
    * Sorting file in tens of MB causes Exception
    * handled exception in case there is no access to HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry
    * Search in files - program crashes in some specific case
    * Search in files doesn't supports ignore file list in folder names
    * handled case, when PSPad window appears outside desktop
    * FTP - fixed problem what causes rewrite current file content if you open already open file
    * interactive templates - removed main window flickering
    * ShortCut for New file for new PSPad installation
    * menu File / Open special doesn(t contains recent files after start
    * Autocomplete - problems with accented chars
    * E-mail address highlighting with char '+'
    * FTP - missing confirmation during rename file to existing one
    * programm writes registry key PSPadPath each start - it's necessary for Windows explorer context menu
    * PHP highlighter corrections
    * program takes SSL libraries from PSpad folder
    * VBScript highlighter fix
    * Template from block - problem with SQL dialects
    * Save to FTP
    * Project settings - exception after click in external application list




SG TCP Optimizer v4.1.1 網路TCP加速軟體–網路加速,網路環境最佳化

【軟體版本】:SG TCP Optimizer v4.1.1 【軟體語言】:多國語言/英文 【軟體分類】:網路加速 【軟體授權】:免費軟體 【檔案大小】:668 KB 【更新日期】:2021/10/02 【作業系統】:Windows 2012/XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit/64-bit) 【官方網站】: https://www.speedguide.net/                         https://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php 【軟體說明】: SG TCP Optimizer 是一款免費的網路加速軟體,免安裝簡單易用的介面,讓您輕鬆上手,它是透過優化TCP/IP的參數來提升網路的速度,完全不用修改登錄檔,透過簡單的設定後重新啟動電腦,便可加快網路速度。節省不少的麻煩。 SG TCP Optimizer 是將你的網路卡TCP/IP設定最佳化,讓你的網路速度可以物盡其用,而不是加速軟體...基本上你如果是申請 ADSL 2M,不會因為這種軟體而加速到3M,4M,5M...的 它只是讓你 2M 發揮到極致而已。1.5M以上的網路都可以使用,它能將你的網路速度達到限度內的最高值。 使用前請先記得備份登錄檔。 TCP/IP Optimizer 免費的上網加速連接工具, 不需安裝程序, 只需透過簡單的設定「建議設定」然後重新啟動電腦,即可加快網路速度。 該軟件可優化接收緩衝區(RWIN)、最大傳輸單元(MTU)、瀏覽器(IE)並發連接數、域名解析優先級、域名解析錯誤暫存時間等重要參數,並可檢測網絡允許的最大傳輸單元大小和網絡時延,計算合適的接收緩衝區,並提供網絡參數相關的註冊表編輯功能. 查看當前速度: 到此 http://www.speedguide.net/ 網站在左側 Shortcuts 裏點選 TCP/IP Analyzer 在彈出頁面中可以看到自己網絡連接的各項數據. 在 Default Receive Window (RWIN)一欄, 查看當前速度數據有否低於:255552 若大於此數, 我覺得應該就不用安裝. 如果數據小於此值, 那你就要提昇速度了. 安裝簡介: (1) 執行TCPOptimizer.exe (2) 顯示設置視窗在頁面勾

PDF-XChange Editor Portable v9.4.364.0 多國語言免安裝版 多功能的PDF閱讀器

【軟體版本】:PDF-XChange Editor Portable v9.4.364.0 【軟體語言】:繁體中文 【軟體分類】:文書處理 【軟體授權】:免費版 【檔案大小】:212 MB 【更新日期】:2022/09/27 【作業系統】:Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10 【官方網站】: https://www.tracker-software.com/ 【軟體說明】: PDF-XChange Editor Portable  PDF檔閱讀軟體的另一個選擇 PDF-XChange Editor Portable  是一款PDF檔 (電子書) 閱讀器/閱讀器。現在起你無須為只為了閱讀PDF檔而安裝體龐大的Adobe Reader,而且體積小,啟動快速,無需安裝。 PDF-XChange Editor Portable  是一款多功能的PDF閱讀器,它完全免費,需要安裝.NETframework才能執行。 具有豐富的標註功能、多頁籤顯示、強大的匯出圖片功能、批次搜尋、放大與導航功能。支援中文註釋。 PDF-XChange Editor Portable  是一款專業的 Adobe Reader PDF檔閱讀器。免費、免安裝、不佔資源的 PDF 閱讀器,速度之快可以用「瞬間」來形容,完全感覺不到延遲。 就算是閱讀繁體中文的 PDF 檔案,也不會有任何問題。對於經常需要閱讀 PDF 的使用者而言,絕對是一個絕佳的選擇。 PDF 檔案十分好用,但是使用官方Adobe Reader PDF閱讀器來開啟PDF檔時,開檔速度卻是慢如蝸牛,如果老舊的電腦,可能必須花上約一分鐘的時間才能開啟檔案。現在你可以 不用再為開啟 PDF 檔而痛苦了。 PDF-XChange Editor Portable  增加了閱讀上的註解、文字、、框線、線條、戳記、線條圖形的讀者註記,還能做檔案 90 度旋轉,這些功能以前在 Acrobat Writer 上才會有,也支援多 頁籤的瀏覽方式,使用者可以開啟多個檔案相互切換。也支援多頁籤的瀏覽方式,使用者可以一次開多個 PDF 檔切換觀看。 PDF-XChange Editor Portable  支援多種語言版本,安裝之後自動顯示繁體中文介面,它也能將PDF檔案

Mozilla Firefox Portable v124.0.2 繁體中文隨身版 全功能的瀏覽器

【軟體版本】:Mozilla Firefox Portable v124.0.2 【軟體語言】:繁體中文 【軟體分類】:網頁瀏覽器 【軟體授權】:免費軟體 【軟體大小】:60.6 MB 452 MB 【更新日期】:2024/04/02 【作業系統】:Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10 Linux/Mac OS (32-bit/64-bit) 【官方網站】: https://moztw.org/ 英文官網                          https://moztw.org/firefox/ 繁體官網                          https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/releases/ Mozilla Firefox Release Notes                          https://moztw.org/firefox/releases/ Mozilla Firefox 版本資訊                          https://mozilla.com.tw/firefox/23.0/firstrun/b/?utm_expid=55777084-0.k768Zb-bSuSiMPFeHkdPcg.2 Firefox 瀏覽器 下載                          https://sourceforge.net/projects/portableapps/files/Mozilla%20Firefox,%20Portable%20Ed./ 繁體中文可攜版                          https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox Firefox 網頁瀏覽器:快速上網、保護隱私 - Google Play 應用程式                          https://support.mozilla.org/zh-TW/kb/get-started-firefox-overview-main-features?WT.mc_ev=click&WT.mc_id=s2 Fir